Comedy Prompts


Comedy Prompts


"BOO!" you yell, grabbing the shoulders of a person you think is your friend from behind. They turn around and it's a total stranger.


"I have to go!" she/he said suddenly, jumping up from the table during dinner.


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"I'd like to buy a plane ticket to your furthest destination today," you told the airline employee.


A former party animal lives in a retirement home. They've decided it's time for one last bash.


A friendly pranking rivalry between two colleagues in an office starts to get serious.


A group of seniors in university have been planning a graduation prank all year. Today's finally the day.


A group of villains go on a team-building retreat.


After searching for your lost cat for months, it saunters into your house one day. It looks rather plump.


An office worker's favorite coffee mug has gone missing, and the obsessive search for the mug throughout the workplace turns into a dire and ridiculous odyssey.


Doctor Seuss has grown weary of writing children's books and finds new work as a reporter covering violent crime for a newspaper. Despite his new line of work, he keeps his classic Seussian style.


Emotional baggage must now be checked in at the airport.


From a dog's perspective, humans seem to be either immortal or at least live extremely long lives. Write from the perspective of a dog contemplating this.


It was just a regular day at the office. Then the power went out.


It was the most epic senior prank your high school had ever seen.


It's a Thursday evening, and Greg Richerson is flashing his sports cars again.


It's March 31st, the busiest day of the year at the joke shop you own.


It's Wednesday evening and you're off to the weekly meeting of your writer's block support group.


Many action movies involve the hero jumping into a vehicle and demanding the driver to "follow that car!" Write from the perspective of the driver.


One day, the world wakes up to find the Easter Island heads facing the opposite direction.


The old bus driver who drives you to work every day always tells you rambling stories about his friends, who all seem to have passed away. Eventually, you begin to suspect he is immortal.


The Tooth Fairy finds something unexpected sitting beside the expected tooth under a child's pillow.

While looking through old photos you discover something that unequivocally settles an argument that ended a childhood friendship decades ago.


While transferring between international flights at an airport, you befriend a strange person while passing through security.


Write a story that ends by coming full circle.


Write a story that ends by jumping forward several years.


Write a story that ends with a shocking plot twist.


Write a story with an open ending.


You accidentally break something at a dinner party and go to ever-increasing lengths to cover it up.

You are a curmudgeonly old man whose name is Writer S. Block. You just spotted your next victim.


You are a professional hoax-buster.


You are a server at a restaurant, having the busiest shift of your life.


You are a space kitty, traveling from planet to planet. You write a letter home and this is what it says.


You are a student working on a team project. You and your group are accidentally locked in the school library overnight.


You are an expert spy for the British government, trained to perfection. Your only weakness is that your background music alerts enemies to your presence.


You are in a bar when an elderly woman takes the stool next to you and says to the bartender, "Hey, Francine, make it a double. It happened again." You can't resist and ask her, "What happened again?"

You are on a solo camping trip in the woods. After a deep night's sleep, you awake to the voice of someone saying, "Rise and shine!"


You buy your son a teddy bear. Every night, the bear protects your son from the monsters in the dark.


You could only watch in disbelief as the work-place prank you had planned turned to chaos.


You find your grandparent's old chessboard in the attic. Absentmindedly, you move a piece. The next day, an opposing piece has been moved.


You have a writer's block breakthrough at the worst possible time.


You have wondered how to bring down Jane Lotsacash for years. Now, the key to her demise rests on your desk...


You just discovered England's biggest secret: every time they sing "God Save the Queen" it extends the queens life.

You open a door, but before you can go through, someone sneaks in front of you without saying "thank you." You've had an awful day and this is the last straw.


You start what was supposed to just be a business front for a money laundering scheme, but your silly idea is making more money than you ever dreamed.


You wake up to the sound of a voice. Nervous, you look around the room until your eyes land on your pet. You swear you just heard it sleep-talking.


You were mowing your lawn when someone walked by your yard and burst into tears.


You were staring out the bus window idly when someone sat down and said, "What a DAY!"


You woke up and all seemed normal. Little did you know that before you'd even had a chance to get out of bed, you would become the subject of a prank.


You're a bartender at a neighborhood pub. A regular comes in and says, "Do I have a story for you!"

You're a food critic eating the best meal of your life. You're at McDonalds.


You're a janitor at a large school. People wouldn't believe the things you've heard.


Your date finds an engagement ring inside a slice of cake they ordered for dessert. You weren't planning to propose.


Your new cell phone number used to be the number of a very popular personal therapist.


12 Funny Short Story Writing Prompts

Here are some writing ideas and story starters to get you into the process of comedic story writing. If you aspire to write comedy short stories that literally make readers laugh out loud, or if you just want to write a short story with a whimsical point of view, here are some prompts to get you started on the best comedy stories you’ve ever written.

1.    A bored employee takes over the social media accounts of the dentist they work for, determined to become an online celebrity.

2.    A high school nerd pranks the principal but frames the Latin teacher for the crime.

3.    A 30-year-old hipster meets a previously unknown family member: a young boy who, through an unlikely series of marriages, is legally his uncle.

4.    A middle school gym teacher with no sense of humor starts a serious podcast that is unintentionally hilarious.

5.    A string of inside jokes between the president and secretary of defense leads to an accidental missile attack on Stonehenge.

6.    An author writes the best story of their life, but the main character is an obvious stand-in for their best friend. When the book becomes a bestseller, the friend comes to them for a cut of the profits.

7.    A scientist manages to reanimate a 300-year-old werewolf that he finds in a tomb, but the werewolf turns out to be nebbish and timid and riddled with insecurities.

8.    A woman dials a phone number that she chooses at random and asks the person who picks up: “Do you want to meet me for coffee?”

9.    A man visits Hollywood for the first time. On the first day of his trip, he gets cast in a major soap opera role when a casting director spots him on the street.

10.                       A college student beats every level of a seemingly impossible superhero video game. The next day, the game’s designer appears at the student’s front door and proposes marriage.

11.                       A woman wins an award at an open mic comedy contest and gets hired by an eccentric billionaire who wants to be taught how to be funny.

12.                       A regional sales manager laces his motivational speech in so many business school clichés that the employees think he can’t possibly be human. When a gasket suddenly shoots out of his ear, they realize he is actually a robot



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