The Conspiracy to Win
THE CONSPIRACY TO WIN By AMLAN BASU FADE IN 1. INT. -- HOME -- DAY 1 Rahul is ready and well-groomed to go for the interview. He is making pranam to his parents. RAHUL I have an urgent need for a job. So, I hope I will get it. AJAY I know Rahul, your job interview will remain successful today. Don’t worry about my son. He pats his back of Rahul. CHITRA God’s Grace Rahul. Good day, today. Rahul shows positive signs to his parents including his sister. 2. INT. –- OFFICE -- DAY 2 Rahul is sitting on a sofa in the office with other interviewees. The receptionist called Rahul. RECEPTIONIST Mr. Rahul, Just go to the extreme right-side cabin. ...